1 Hour
Focus on the needs of your clients or risk becoming irrelevant
Most people will agree with this statement, but few know how to effectively incorporate this change.
The world has changed and the problems we face today, are unlikely to be solved using traditional methods. Collaboration across the system in which these problems exist is the way forward and Co-design is a great tool to facilitate the right types of solutions that meet the needs of all stakeholders and create better outcomes for all.
This webinar is for you if who want to create a more collaborative organisation by using Co-design to meaningfully involve your clients in decision making at all levels, such as strategy, program & service design, and day to day interactions. In order to create a more innovative and impactful organisation.
We take you through the co-design process we use with our clients at Impacto Consulting, and share a case study of a project we co-designed with CALD community members living with dementia, to help bring the co-design process to life. We also share with you the top tips we've found that help build a 'co-design culture' in your organisation.
Training designed for
Leaders and Practitioners of Not For Profits
What you get out of watching
Learn how to create a ‘case for co-design’. By learning the common objections we hear across the sector around why people aren’t using co-design and what to do to get the support you need
Learn how to have a bigger impact in your work by becoming a ‘strategic facilitator’ of collaboration, which will free up your time to manage multiple projects at once and have a bigger impact across the organisation
Learn how to embed co-design and form a truly a collaborative organisation that delivers better outcomes for your clients, in a sustainable way that creates a legacy beyond your tenure in the role
Impacto Consulting are creating a healthier, more inclusive and fairer Australia for all
Tracey Newman & Dan Bentley are consultants who specialise in innovation. Working with not for profits, social enterprise and government departments to innovate and create better services for the people they support, that deliver more impact.
They have trained and worked with 100's of not for profits on how to improve their services and transform their organisations to become more innovative & impactful.
They are regular contributors for Pro Bono Australia on innovation in the sector and the co-hosts of the #1 not for profit podcast in Australia Innovate For Impact.
This webinar has been running for the past 2 years with over 1,000 not for profit leaders attending, the vast majority providing excellent feedback.
Co-Design is an essential capability that all organisations in the social sector need
The Co-Design process starts with firstly defining what you want to achieve and aligning all of your stakeholders towards this common goal. Then, it's about understanding the unique viewpoints of all of your stakeholders, including those with lived experience and consumers. You then together generate a heap of new ideas and then create quick and low-cost ways to test these solutions to gain feedback from people in the real world.
Once you land on an approach that could work,, its time to implement and then continuously refine those ideas based on user feedback. The end product is a superior consumer experience that meets their needs, which in turn will deliver the organisation the impact results its setting out to achieve. ​​