Our first year in business has been a lot of fun and we have been lucky enough to work with some amazing organisations. The year has left us even more inspired than we were 1 year ago when we started this business. This type of work is really energising and we can’t wait to do more of it.
Here are a couple of highlights from our first year
We helped Sweden’s largest animal rights organisation improve how they attract and manage their volunteers through a co-design project, that involved input from both office staff and volunteers to work out how they could best be utilised in a way that worked for both parties
We helped an education provider design and test a concept for a new training course for young people that improved financial literacy
We helped an aged care provider to co-design a new way to manage their reporting requirements in a way that would be compliant but also less effort for staff to complete
We helped the Aus & NZ team of an education provider to learn how to improve the experience they provide their customers, by working better together as one team
Through our regular events across Melbourne & Adelaide we taught numerous members of government, education providers and board members of Not For Profits how to improve the services they provide the people they serve, by using Human Centred Design
We were invited to participate and talk about our business at the shift-ed expos in Adelaide
We helped 9 different NDIS service providers learn how to find opportunities to enhance their customer experience, through Customer Journey Mapping and also how to use Human Centred Design to improve their services
A big thanks to everyone that has supported us and to those that we got to work with.
Our 2nd year is already off to a big start and we can’t wait to reflect back in 11 months time and see what kind of impact we have made.